Service Overview

Kubernetes services allow you to expose your applications running on a set of Pods as a network service. They provide a stable endpoint to communicate with these Pods, irrespective of their lifecycle changes.

Service Types

  1. ClusterIP:

    kubectl expose pod <POD_NAME> --port=<PORT> --name=<SERVICE_NAME> --type=ClusterIP
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: my-clusterip-service
        app: my-app
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80
          targetPort: 8080
      type: ClusterIP
  2. NodePort:

    kubectl expose pod <POD_NAME> --port=<PORT> --name=<SERVICE_NAME> --type=NodePort
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: my-nodeport-service
        app: my-app
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80
          targetPort: 8080
          nodePort: 30080
      type: NodePort
  3. LoadBalancer:

    kubectl expose pod <POD_NAME> --port=<PORT> --name=<SERVICE_NAME> --type=LoadBalancer
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: my-loadbalancer-service
        app: my-app
        - protocol: TCP
          port: 80
          targetPort: 8080
      type: LoadBalancer

Troubleshooting & Common Issues

  1. Check Service Details and Events:

    kubectl describe service <SERVICE_NAME>

    Look for any events or configurations that might seem out of place.

  2. Pods Not Matched by Selector: If you’re not getting traffic to your pods, it might be that the service selector doesn’t match any pods.

  3. Check Service’s Endpoints:

    kubectl get endpoints <SERVICE_NAME>

    This will show you which Pods (if any) are receiving traffic from the service.

  4. Restrictive Network Policies: Ensure they aren’t too restrictive, blocking traffic to your service’s pods.

  5. Validate Network Plugins: Ensure they’re functioning correctly, as they might be misconfigured or encountering errors.

  6. Cloud Provider Issues: Check if there are sufficient resources (like IP addresses) in your cloud account.

  7. Port Conflicts: For NodePort services, ensure that the designated port isn’t being used by another service on the node.

  8. Ping Test:

    ping <SERVICE_IP>

    From inside a Pod, try to ping the service IP to see if it’s reachable.

  9. Use curl or wget:

    curl <SERVICE_IP>

    Inside a Pod, use curl or wget to check the service response.

  10. External Connectivity: Test connectivity from outside the cluster. For LoadBalancers, ensure the right firewall rules are in place.

  11. Check CoreDNS (or kube-dns) Pods:

    kubectl get pods -n kube-system

    Ensure DNS pods are running and healthy.

  12. DNS Configuration in Pods: Check /etc/resolv.conf to see if nameservers and search domains are correctly set up.

  13. Check Pod Logs:

    kubectl logs <POD_NAME>

    For services routing traffic to specific pods, check the logs of those pods for any application-specific issues.

  14. Monitoring & Metrics: Check metrics for abnormal patterns like increased latency or error rates.

  15. Use netcat or nc:

    nc -l <PORT>

    Use these tools to listen on a specific port and check for incoming traffic.

  16. Check with istioctl: If you’re using Istio, the istioctl command-line tool can provide a lot of insights and diagnostics.