The Problem with Exceptions

Exceptions are the traditional way of handling errors in Java. However, they have several drawbacks:

  1. Exceptions disrupt the normal flow of control: When an exception is thrown, it interrupts the normal execution flow and requires explicit handling, often leading to complex and nested try-catch blocks.

  2. Exceptions are not part of the method signature: The fact that a method may throw an exception is not explicitly visible in its signature. This can lead to unexpected behavior and runtime errors if the caller is unaware of the possible exceptions.

  3. Exceptions are not composable: Combining multiple operations that may throw exceptions becomes cumbersome and requires explicit error handling at each step, making the code less readable and harder to reason about.

Vavr’s Approach to Error Handling

Vavr addresses these issues by providing functional data types and utilities for error handling. The two main data types in Vavr for error handling are Try and Either.


Try is a monadic container that represents a computation that may either result in an exception (Failure) or return a successfully computed value (Success). It allows you to wrap a computation that may throw an exception and handle it in a functional way.

Here’s an example of using Try in Vavr:

import io.vavr.control.Try;

public class TryExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Try<Integer> result = Try.of(() -> {
            // Computation that may throw an exception
            return Integer.parseInt("abc");

        result.onSuccess(value -> System.out.println("Success: " + value))
              .onFailure(exception -> System.out.println("Failure: " + exception.getMessage()));

In this example, we use Try.of() to wrap a computation that may throw an exception. If the computation is successful, the onSuccess callback is invoked with the computed value. If an exception occurs, the onFailure callback is invoked with the exception.


Either is a functional data type that represents a value of one of two possible types, Left or Right. It is commonly used for error handling, where Left represents an error and Right represents a successful value.

Here’s an example of using Either in Vavr:

import io.vavr.control.Either;

public class EitherExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Either<String, Integer> result = parseNumber("abc");

            error -> System.out.println("Error: " + error),
            value -> System.out.println("Value: " + value)

    private static Either<String, Integer> parseNumber(String input) {
        try {
            return Either.right(Integer.parseInt(input));
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            return Either.left("Invalid input: " + input);

In this example, the parseNumber method returns an Either<String, Integer>, where Left represents an error message and Right represents a successfully parsed integer. We can use the fold method to handle both cases in a concise and expressive way.

Benefits of Functional Error Handling

Functional error handling with Vavr offers several benefits:

  1. Explicit error handling: Errors are explicitly represented as part of the return type, making it clear that a computation may fail and how to handle it.

  2. Composability: Functional error handling types like Try and Either are composable, allowing you to combine and chain operations that may fail without the need for explicit error handling at each step.

  3. Improved readability: Functional error handling leads to more readable and expressive code, as the error handling logic is separated from the main computation flow.

  4. Forced error handling: With functional error handling, you are forced to handle errors explicitly, reducing the chances of overlooking or ignoring potential failures.